Selective on the music i post online, here's one i am particularly proud of.
Available to network & open to collaborations.
You've heard it before but it doesn't mean we all get the final picture. For the creative arts industry & record business, technology advancement has dictated our attitudes to our craft & what limits we put on our practice/s. For the artist, its been a great step up in terms of access to recording technologies not needing to much more than a soundcard & a computer. But, what it meant for the business is an out-pour of recorded works that diminished in demand strictly due to volume. Hence, the lack of what the current demand is also dictated the worth of even the best of artists in the recording industry that led to under-valued price tags just so streaming platforms can get their feed. That's ok with me for I have only really knew how to get by doing my own thing. But to the greats, its big business lost. & now, we all have grown to accept it. & it breaks 'fairness & due credit' where its due & really sad to have functioned on the dragon...
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