Well, 2018. This makes this my very first entry for the year. I am caught up in the words I may have or haven't read about &/or spoke of in my early days of seeking the Christian faith & what I write about in this blog. & I am happy I have questioned myself & how scripture even may be still applicable today. Or if this didn't, it'd be still honestly the question of how it ever really did. I am a spiritual person & whether nature of belief is perfect, consider questions that points to the imperfection in you. The imperfections in us. Knowledge is worth nothing without further benefit. Thus, causing one to start questioning the reasons of why even bother seeking utopia when all else is hardly reached & seldom understood. Scripture for example raises a lot of issues, questions, fears & doubts. & double the trouble. Pretty scary to be real with it. Its what fuels my drive, desire & passion to communicate these specific questions through art & sound. & a couple of cigarettes to go with them. Hey, yeah, I don't want to beat myself up anymore. We will kick, pull & fight, twist & turn until we can make sense of the madness. & you'll seek out your own personal convictions & simply heed to address things that are important to you..
You've heard it before but it doesn't mean we all get the final picture. For the creative arts industry & record business, technology advancement has dictated our attitudes to our craft & what limits we put on our practice/s. For the artist, its been a great step up in terms of access to recording technologies not needing to much more than a soundcard & a computer. But, what it meant for the business is an out-pour of recorded works that diminished in demand strictly due to volume. Hence, the lack of what the current demand is also dictated the worth of even the best of artists in the recording industry that led to under-valued price tags just so streaming platforms can get their feed. That's ok with me for I have only really knew how to get by doing my own thing. But to the greats, its big business lost. & now, we all have grown to accept it. & it breaks 'fairness & due credit' where its due & really sad to have functioned on the dragon...
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