Well, what do you say. 2015 is at us & don't you feel it all just sifting in & settling into our pre-occupances. Fair trade? We all wouldn't know how to deal with the future if we are honest enough. As far as industry talk regarding music & the arts & how its related to techonology & current consumerism, it would be adequate to say the fact that you really couldn't believe anybody anymore unless you are easily divided between candy & forebearing fruit. There is no law that specifies your choices as far as free willed individuals, just the age old motto of freedom of choice. Regardless, if you tied that up to modern structures in design that has shaped our community, you can see the obvious end of the tail sticking out like a sore thumb. But it bites just like ordinary days in the past yet now because we are fixated on candy we simply don't want to know any better. Simply because we are by default not crafted that way. We'd love the power to be able to change ourselves. Forget about it. The best we can do. & the artist era all the same plays you the same song. The difference between the now & then is the everyday access to technology making music & the arts such an exciting place to be involved in. If you want a shot, you have one. You may even excel & impress yourself every now & then. As far as on-going trends, I believe pop culture already ate itself along with its punters. The reason why nobody notices it is because its easily ignored like the past yet at more extremes at this present time & its taking your kids along with their voices. I know because I am a child of the late 70s & freedom was FREE at the time & I basically slept for a while only to wake up & find the 'fun' dissolving. Hence, where we are at this present day. Genres have come, some stayed, some went. Now, 2015, genres are not an issue. Not even a throwaway magic word. The seamonster has already claimed your kids along with their friends. It will just keep getting bigger & more & more normal. Disguised in your disgust as far as what the entertainment industry is feeding you or have you had it way enough to actually find a place in it. I have. Did, anyways. Yet, as 'consciousness' grew in me, I found a better place to be in & its called detachment. Fresh air is free that way. Like it always has been. We have YouTubes, Soundclouds, Instagrams & the lot of the utilities we have now in this modern times we are living in but question its parallels & you will discover the truth behind this seamonster that acts as your friend. Why do you think we are all on greater divides with little much results, yet we still push our agendas like any of it all actually works. Find quietness. & if you're an artist deterred by trends, find something that can transcend yourself. Before your art itself. Because that is the only way where you can break free & out from the mould & eventually find your place in this worlds. Present time. Present moment.
You've heard it before but it doesn't mean we all get the final picture. For the creative arts industry & record business, technology advancement has dictated our attitudes to our craft & what limits we put on our practice/s. For the artist, its been a great step up in terms of access to recording technologies not needing to much more than a soundcard & a computer. But, what it meant for the business is an out-pour of recorded works that diminished in demand strictly due to volume. Hence, the lack of what the current demand is also dictated the worth of even the best of artists in the recording industry that led to under-valued price tags just so streaming platforms can get their feed. That's ok with me for I have only really knew how to get by doing my own thing. But to the greats, its big business lost. & now, we all have grown to accept it. & it breaks 'fairness & due credit' where its due & really sad to have functioned on the dragon...
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