Alright to the alignment of it all. The great Esther Hicks talks and teaches about it all on as how to live a life of feeling good about yourself. Multi sensory trajections included as well and its going to need it. That's what its going to take to travel in the light as well as maintaining one once you find your guidance. Otherwise, its burdensome knowledge to those who want to act on their convictions and confusing to those who want to pursue it. Me? I am a spiritual person who leans on the teaching and the wisdom of the scriptures written with the sole purpose of having the work of Jesus Christ as its center foundation. Makes me a christian is some ways. & aren't we all whether you are born Catholic, a mystic who follows Catholic traditions, you may even haven't been back to a church ever since you were christened. Whatever. What I want to point out is that we all believe in something. You don't have to be religious to know that. You may believe in your wife, your husband, your school teacher or the local council. Its there whether you are aware of it or not.
I am a musician as well & I have heard most of the music that I needed to keep cherishing the art of making music. That's what I solely believed in. Despite all the beautiful songs I have heard and listen to specifically songs with spiritual inspirations and influences, i got to the end of my hunger as it didn't lead to anywhere I believed that was promised. It all still lead me to the fundamental question of 'what now?' & 'where is the part where it all applies?'. As bitter & sour things in this life may end up coming in our direction, there's a couple of ways we can look at it. Both lead most of the times to mistaken glory. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all built for 'glory' we can only know for ourselves where it all falls into place by recognizing the source of the human need to feel this 'glory'. & whether or not we need to do our best to hang on to it. This is the main focal point of anybody's life who considers this life in all of its up and downs is still worth the tread.
Human life experiences tell me that because of all the pain and suffering one faces and deals with on a daily basis makes us believe it all calls for it. The pain and the glory, right? Yet, we shun the light of day when we do 'end up getting what we wanted'. Whether its in your workforce, relationships, family life, a hobby, whatever it may be, we just all just seem to constantly mishandle everything we gain here on God's green earth. Familiar scenario of ups and downs here at my own personal experience. It doesn't mean we don't bliss out and feel good, it just means that nothing is forever. & we hurt people on the way whether we mean to or not. As long as I get the lobster meal on the weekend, my boss can go and find someone else to do the task the way he wanted it. Yet we complain when we need to deal with the consequences. & that is the human mistake of human tendency to always want the good stuff while running away from the problem's one is dealt with. Probably due because of the fact that nobody at all really wants to face this life the way it has been ordained to be and how it is designed as opposed to how 'fallen' everything really is.
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