Well, if I had to ask myself this question as a musician, you would probably be distressed. Why? Because I fall into just another category of prodigal nature. I admit to it. The first thing you can advice to hypocracy in your own life. Yet, if you dig deep enough, if you can swallow your pride, you will find all things ugly enough to make you believe without self-convincing. The moment you do this, you will welcome the first step to advancement in a godly-sense. You may even feel a little enlightened. Relax for a little while, bliss only lasts for a little while. Insight is the only thing that separates a gentle like person to an overbearing thief. You don't have to stay that way if you didn't want to but wisdom comes to people who take on & follow their convictions. We now live in such an impersonal age where true emotion is ignored & knowledge is no longer information. Governments are on peace treaties simply because they have no choice but to collaborate. Been happen...